I would like to share with you now a few things I've learned along the way.
If you've read my earlier post, you know that with baby #2 I started making food very early.
I used fresh fruits from the farmer's market, and froze them. It has been super easy.
You might be thinking "Kelsey, I didn't start making food so freakishly early, and now these fruits and veggies aren't in season".
Don't fret! It can be fixed!
After starting solids with A, I discovered that she LOVES peaches. So I fed them to her, all of them, and we needed more.
Not sure if anyone has looked for organic peaches in February but they are IMPOSSIBLE to find!
So, as I stood at the checkout with $10 worth of pre-made peach pouches, it hits me. . . I could use frozen peaches!!!
So I grabbed a bag for $3 which made about 12oz of peaches! Genius.
And it couldn't have been easier.
Just like with fresh peaches, there is no cooking/ steaming required. So I let the bag sit on the counter for an hour or so to thaw and put them in my processor with about 1/3 cup of water (just to get things going) and voila! Peaches.
I froze the extras in my favorite baby food tray- once frozen I plop them into a freezer bag and then defrost them as needed.
Another baby staple. . . prunes.
Once your baby starts solids they tend to start having some issues, some issues that only prunes can solve.
I couldn't find a recipe for homemade baby prunes- but again I was unwilling to shell out the money for the pre-packaged stuff so I did some investigating. The pre-packaged prunes are just prunes and water!
Baby Prunes
8 organic prunes
1/2 cup water
1) put the ingredients in your food processor and blend well, scraping the sides as needed.
That's it- easy huh? You may find that they are a little more liquidy (for lack of a better term) than the packaged ones. Don't worry, as soon as they cool in the fridge they tend to become more like jello.
Hope that helps a few people! Let me know if y'all have any questions!!